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Essay/Term paper: Charles

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Person Essay

As a handsome 5" 10" male with dark hair spiked in the front,

and the most engaging smile approached my desk , I knew I would be

laughing shortly. Charles walked up to my desk in Human Biology while we

were dissecting eyeballs and commented on my eyeball. "You seem to have a

better eyeball than I do." Many people wouldn"t have taken this situation so

lightly but because of Charles"s sense of humor being around him was

guaranteed to be fun. With his feigned itching disease, his crazy antics, or

his practical jokes my friend Charles"s sense of humor has taught me not to

take life so seriously and have fun anywhere and everywhere.

I first met Charles at Dans, a mutual friends, party, where he

told me he had an I itching disease. He was drinking beer and I had

cranberry juice with vodka, and since we drove we had to spend the night.

So around 3:30am we got tired and went to lie down. As soon as we laid

down Charles asked if he could take his shirt off and if I would scratch his

back. I told him sure. So he did and that"s when he told me he had an

itching disease and I wouldn"t be able to stop scratching his back until it

stopped itching him. Well, with a little alcohol in me I believed him. I laid

there for 2 ½ hours before I realized he had fallen asleep and went to sleep

myself. On Monday n school I saw Charles and asked him how his itching

disease was. He just looked at me grinned and chuckled. That"s when I

realized he had pulled a fast one on me.

It didn"t take me long to realize that Charles had some crazy

antics up his sleeve. At another party Charles, Lisa , Dan and I sat in a

room talking. Lisa and Dan were drinking and were drunk. Charles and I

were not. Dan started flipping out by yelling and screaming that the radio,

which was on 2 at the most, was to loud. Charles knew that Dan was drunk

and decided to play with his head. So Charles whispered into my ear that I

should tell him I turned it down. So I did and Dan was ok with it. Charles

and I were laughing hysterically because it was so much fun playing with

these drunk friends.

Charles didn"t care what other people thought about him as

long as he made people laugh. At a chorus concert one night our friend

Lisa brought in her 1 year old sister, Lauren. Charles grabbed the bottle

filled with milk and was going to go out there with it in his mouth. We had

to stop him so I asked him if he liked the taste of breast milk. Needless to say

that bottle shot out of his mouth and he spit the milk that was in his mouth

right out too. That was the last time I ever saw him do that.

Charles taught me how to laugh and have fun anywhere.

Although there is a time to be serious you can"t always take life so seriously.

I teach my nieces and nephews jokes and tricks to play on each other and

on their parents. I feel if they learn to have a sense of humor at younger

ages then making friends will be easier for them.

Charles made my high school years one of the best times

imaginable. The best parties I attended were made possible all because of

Charles"s sense of humor. Charles made life a fun and interesting



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